What We Do

Remodel Marriage Ministries began as a Bible study for Luis and Angela Hernandez. The goal was to find guidance toward God’s plan to protect and strengthen marriages. The resulting study has since grown into marriage conferences and a community of couples who come together to celebrate and support each other in growing stronger still.

The Mission

Our vision is for marriages that glorify God and magnify the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to prepare, preserve, revive and restore marriages. To that end, we will assist churches as they establish and maintain successful marriage ministries of their own. We will also partner up with other profit and non-profit organizations that are looking to help marriages within their organizations thrive within a healthier community.

Can We Pray for You?

We pray for the couples in our ministry generally, but we would also like to add any specific prayer requests that are in your heart. Reach out and tell us whom we should pray for and the intentions for your request. It is our joy to honor your request!

Contact Us


  • Our leadership work in the ministry recognizes the authority of God, the guidance of our Pastor, and submits to serve as shepherds who are led by the Chief Shepherd of all, Jesus Christ.
  • Our desire is to prayerfully devote ourselves to sharing the teachings from The Word.
  • Our passion is to equip spouses to flourish in their relationship with each other, so they may live in the fullness that God offers.
  • Our hearts are to serve wherever God leads us.

About Luis & Angela

As the leaders of this ministry, Luis and Angela have a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. They understand the power to change lives that emanates from the Scriptures. They have served in several ministries and capacities for over ten years, including recently leading a local marriage ministry. They have been married for over twenty years and have three children.

The proceeds from the sale of our books are returned right back into the ministry so that we can continue to provide quality events and resources. Your donation to help cover administration costs is gratefully accepted.

Our Sponsors

Remodel Ministries is grateful for the support that we receive from our sponsors. We hold dear their blessing and encouragement.

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